Everything Is Energy And That Understanding Can Save Your Life!

PositiveThinking | Kelly RudolphUnderstanding that everything is energy can save your life, your happiness, your relationship, etc. I just read one of the many articles by doctors who have discovered that being happy makes your heart healthier although they can’t figure out why. This is frustrating to me because if they had a clue about energy – positive vs negative, they would know the answer AND could spread the word and help the entire world!

You already know that everything is energy, right?

YOUR energy, has a great deal to do with your health, mentally, emotionally and physically, right? If not, you will by staying in touch with me through this blog and getting in my email community.

Real-Life Story: Four days ago, I had a family emergency. There was what would normally be a long, stressful road trip involved and 15 hours of driving within 48 hours. However, the entire time, I KNEW without a doubt that everything would turn out well so I never got nervous or felt fearful. I did what needed to be done and the biggest challenge became how to stop laughing because the injured family member had a sore chest and it hurt him to laugh.

The lesson we learned from this experience was that we can have fun doing ANYTHING even if it is in a hospital emergency room. Also, my family member will heal quickly thanks to his sense of humor and positive attitude. That is a LOT of positive energy and Energy Is Everything and Everything Is Energy!

Leave a comment and tell me your thoughts on how your energy affects your day like work, play, family and relationship?

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4 thoughts on “Everything Is Energy And That Understanding Can Save Your Life!”

  1. Great article. So true!

    After spending the weekend at a family event, surrounded by unhappy people bemoaning their health and struggles in life, I saw very clearly how attitude and expectation literally shape lives. You get what you expect. You create what you focus on. I expect greatness and am focusing on an amazing life.

    1. Thank you, Kirsten. It can be a struggle to see people go down the negative road when we know how happy they could be with more positive energy (attitude). Many are so used to being miserable and getting attention from it that a solution is the last thing they want. Others are in disbelief that their life could be different due to worthiness issues and often what I assist women in deleting from their life once and for all.

      I know that you protect yourself energetically when spending time with negative people and that is a VERY important thing for us all to do.

  2. My Girlfriend Kelly – YES, YES, YES!!!! Everything is energy and energy is everything. Boy, that’s alot of E’s in one sentence. So let’s stick with the “E” theme on this comment back to you.

    Easy living is an energy that comes from elevating our mental state to the essence of why we are here on earth. Notice please the “e” in the last sentence. I will continue now with the “e” theme.

    You see what I asked you to do is focus on all the e’s in the sentences and you probably did because you know me and you trust me. So by focusing on the positive energy you created a weekend that could have been stressful to a weekend that was full of laughter and not only laughter but memories that will last a lifetime in both of your lives…..PRICELESS!

    So more laughter and easy hearts will continue to grow from all the happiness and stress free environments we seem to create!

    In love, light and bliss,

    1. Thank you, Nancy. I honor you for your insight and the way you express yourself in a way that inspires people to reach higher. You are correct. You are eloquent. And you are appreciated!

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