Journal For Women – Track Your Success

It is vital to track your success in order to build confidence so I want to share the best journal for women I’ve ever used!

Journal for womenI started journaling in my teens. I’ve written every single day since, recording my life from the boy who smiled at me during Jr. High to how many calls I ran each day as a Paramedic. Later, my journals would include amazing transformations as well as love relationships that went a different direction than I expected and had hoped.

These journals are my most treasured possessions and they are in an evacuation kit, should I have to leave my home in a hurry. They document the life of a woman from early teens to late forties and I will continue to write daily for the rest of my life.

Why is daily journaling so important?

  1. Journaling builds my self-confidence
  2. I can see my struggles and successes and I know I can get through, over or around anything I find on my path
  3. I know I can always find or create a solution to a challenge
  4. I know that love always comes again.
  5. I know that those who have moved past this life live on in these books and come easily to my memory.

Journaling gives me confidence and shows me who I was, my path of transformation and who I’ve become.

I only write about 4 sentences per day to sum up my learning, celebrations and experiences. Many women think journaling takes a lot of time. It doesn’t have to. My nightly journal-writing takes about 4-5 minutes. That’s all! Record your life in 4 minutes per day! What a deal!

I want to share what I’ve found to be the very best journal for women I’ve ever found. I got my first one at the end of 1996 as a house-warming gift and it remains the best, most lasting gift I’ve ever been given. I am in my 16th year of documenting my life in a Journal 10+ and I’m into the 5th year of my second book.

Here’s the link to order this awesome journal! Be sure to grab the newest version! 🙂 If you use it, it’s not only worth every penny but it will become priceless! Enjoy tracking your success and life in the very best journal for women!

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4 thoughts on “Journal For Women – Track Your Success”

    1. I am SO looking forward to seeing you record your life! It’s a GREAT Mom journal as well! What if kids could look back and see what they learned or the funny things they said each day for ELEVEN years?! GREAT legacy.

  1. Kelly,

    You are so right! Journaling is so important for guys as well as gals! And your system on Amazon that can track one’s journals for 11 years looks like an amazing product!

    Recording our thoughts, feelings, successes, breakthoughs and insights, events, experiences, etc is just so important to help us focus on our goals but also to help put our lives in perspective when we read our journals and look back over our lives .

    Take Care,

    Jupiter Jim

    1. Yes, Jim. Thank you. Journaling is important for men too and several spouses of girlfriends who use this journal have caught the journaling bug, especially because this one is so AWESOME!!! 🙂

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